Air Ballista - of the Tech Faction (Megapack)


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Air Ballista Air Ballista
Air Ballista
Type:Combat Unit
Creation:Morphing from Technician
Total Cost: Gold270 Wood150 Food1 
(Cost for Air Ballista with 40 % discount = Gold 120 Wood 150 Food 1 
 + cost for Technician = Gold150  )
Production Time:180
Maximum Hitpoints:3000
Regeneration of Hitpoints:5
Needed to build 'Air Ballista':Technodrome
Advanced Architecture
Movement Type:Ground Unit
Attack Command: Attack On
Attack On
Target: Only air units
Strength: 200+-75
Range: 15
Splash-Radius: 2
Splash also damages own units!
Type: Piercing
Attack Speed: 70
Start Time: 0.3
Level(s): Elite at 10 kills
Hitpoints: 3000 -> 4500
Armor Strength: 20 -> 30
Sight: 15 -> 18

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