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Why donate

MegaGlest is Free Software, which means that its source code is available under liberal licensing terms. Factually this also means that one could not make much money with it. That’s a good match, since we do not want to make any money with MegaGlest.

We do, however, want to make it fun for you to play this game. This involves some infrastructural costs, such as for hosting the website, hosting game servers, file downloads, making MegaGlest available in rural areas throughout the world etc. So far these have been covered by the MegaGlest team out of their own pockets. And while we are prepared to continue to do so, we would very much welcome your contributions.

How to donate

So far, the following options for donations are available:

Bitcoin logo

To donate via Bitcoin, please send your Bitcoins to the following address:


Flattr logo

Please flattr us! You may also visit our Flattr profile.

Other payment services

We prefer the above payment providers because we think they are less problematic than some of the big ones. However, if none of the above options work for you, please do get in touch and we will happily work something out.
For example SEPA wire transfers (IBAN + BIC) and Paypal are easily arranged if you get in touch.

Other ways to donate

MegaGlest can always use more game servers. Even with little or no technical understanding or lack of time you can help us a great deal by contracting a company which hosts virtual servers. You just do the contracting with them, pass the server credentials to us, and we will set up and maintain the server, keeping communication with you to the minimum. This way you do not need to send any money to us and can still help a great deal. Before you contract a company, please get in touch so we can discuss which kind of (virtual) hosting offer is most useful.